Online Diet 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge

Are you hoping to shed a few pounds or feel more energized? Eat healthily or feel better inside and out?

If you are confused about how to do it, begin your transformation with the 90-Day Weight Loss method of Half Shira.

The Online Diet 90-Day Weight Loss Challenge is the solution you need to achieve healthy and sustainable weight loss for a longer, healthier life.

The Online Diet 90-Day Weight Loss Method is divided into three phases.

First Phase: "40 and succeeding" - the 40-day premium program by Half Shira

Second Phase: "30 and Continuing" – Continuation Challenge

Third Phase: "20 and Persevering" - Final

Online Diet Weight Loss Challenge - What is the 90-day method?

Following 15 years of experience in providing customized support and guidance to thousands of people wanting to lose weight and change their lives, at Online Diet, we have created a comprehensive process.

Our method consists of three elements:

1. The Nutritional Aspect – Personalized nutrition focuses on a long-term lifestyle of healthier eating habits without strict dieting. The nutrition is personalized for each participant in the program according to their state of health and needs and under the close supervision of a personal clinical dietitian.

To increase your chances of success, you need a diet tailored to your personal and cultural preferences. The key is finding a healthy diet program that you can keep up with over the long term.

2. The Mental Coaching Aspect - A certified coach with many years of experience in coaching and with Half Shira clients in particular, who knows each participant in the program and relates with them deeply. We will work together to address the nutritional and emotional side of losing weight, which most other weight loss methods lack.

3. Shira, who herself lost 70 kg, and has maintained her achievement for more than 19 years, will personally guide and assist the program participants.

She shares with the participants her personal process and the many insights she gained that helped her persevere and maintain her amazing weight loss achievement for many years.

So, why 90 days?

Expert-backed studies show that a 90-day diet or fitness challenge is the most reasonable length to give you a little room for adjustment in case you backslide or need extra time to figure out what lifestyle habits work best for you.

If you want to lose weight - and keep it off – the key is building sustainable habits that will last a lifetime — the 90-day period is more manageable, and by the time the three-month period is over, you will feel a lot more comfortable, and confident in your new, healthier habits.

Do you want to learn more about the 90-day method of Online Diet?


Before Discount: $905
After Discount: $850

Our Online Diet 90-Day Weight Loss Program is also suitable for vegans, bariatric patients, celiac patients, and gluten sensitive individuals.

Begin your transformation today. Leave your details at, or call (240) 234-5449.

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